Many year ago, when I was an infant yoga teacher, I wrote my first article. Even though I had been studying and practicing yoga for over a decade, I was also living a busy life on the go, running my own business - and with success inevitably came stress. It was so challenging back then to find time every day to practice yoga, but at the same time, it was also so easy as well. The article I wrote focuses on just that - and I drew from my own experience. Its a simple piece, without much philosophy or fancy words, but I wanted to share these words here as well because our world need to hear this now more than ever.
“Nowadays, when so many of us are living busy lives on the go, having to balance work, family and play, stress levels are at an all time high. That's why it's important to release stress by finding time each day to practice yoga.”
I ended up publishing the full article on Yogi Times - so please click the link below to read and enjoy making yoga part of your daily live!